Aagahi Project

Aagahi (“Awakening” in Urdu) Project is the result of a partnership with McGill and the Jewish General Hospital. This project focuses on the pakistani community, Pakistan being the second country worldwide for Hepatitis C prevalence with around 8,6 millions (or 4,8%) of its population suffering from this disease. Pakistan is also the fifth country of origin for recent immigration in Canada. Our range of actions can be divided in three main parts :

Raising awareness with information booths and educational workshops we bring at different locations and events, which are free and offered in English and Urdu

Offering Hepatitis C tests that are free, confidential and secure with a registered nurse and with results in 20 minutes

Enhance access to care by provinding counseling in English, French and Urdu and if people tested positive, giving them confirmatory blood test and treatment with a doctor

This project finished in September 2019. For an article about it’s final conclusions, you can look at p8 of this pdf version of HepVoice published in February 2020 : https://www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/sites/default/files/resources/documents/hepvoice_february2020_final.pdf

We thank our sponsor

Project Blue

The CanHepC blueprint for elimination of Hepatitis C in Canada is the only strategy published to accomplish that goal to date, and was well recieved by all.

Here are the goals of Project Blue :

  • Doing a portrait of HCV microelimination projects in Quebec;
  • Coordinating the efforts towards the implementation of the blueprint in Quebec;
  • Creating a pilot project in a specific region;
  • Evaluating and doing a final report.

Projet ETIAM

The Etiam alliance regroup 3 organizations : ASTT(e)Q, CAPAHC and Portail VIH/sida du Québec (PVSQ). It’s goal are to provide in Quebec free formations to support, educate and promote global health in cis and trans communities touched by HCV, HIV and STBBIs and persons who work with them.


Projet Lotus

Lotus is a program of community support for marginalized people living with HCV, to help them follow through their treatment and cure and prevent reinfection.

It provides the participants with an alternative and safe access to health services and help circumvent common obstacles that marginalized people can have.

This therapeutic program is built over one year in three steps (before, during and after treatment) during which the counseling is done by Dopamine.

Partners of the program :

Nous remercions nos bailleurs de fonds :

As well as the Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services for the discretionary envelope..

Our participation in the Lotus project ended at the end of December 2019, we are leaving all project management to Dopamine. We will gladly act as consultants in the future.

Passerelle Project

Passerelle project is a free education and testing program about Hepatitis C for 50 years old and more commuity groups and retirement/nursing homes. Organized in partnership with the Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal CIUSSS, it offers to participants :

  • An educative workshop (available in English);
  • Tests by a specialized nurse;
  • Counseling;
  • Medical references if needed
  • Reimbursement of transport fees for medical appointments.

The program is free and confidential. It is offered mainly for people 50 years old and more, but people working with them can also benefit from it.

We thank our sponsor

Info-treatments Project

AIDS Community Care Montreal, the PVSQ and CAPAHC with the COCQ-SIDA offer informations on treatments for Hepatitis C and HIV.

For questions on HIV and its treatments :

A person working at PVSQ will take your calls. You can also ask your questions directly on their website.

Montréal : 514-523-4636 Toll free : 1-877-Portail (767-8245)

You can talk to an ACCM worker on the info line.

Montréal : 514-527-0928 Toll free : 1-877-767-8245

Questions on HIV and or Hep C co-infection?

Call us, we will be happy to help you. Our phone line is open from 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. You can also chat with us between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

Montréal : 514-521-0444 Toll free : 1-866-522-0444

We thank our sponsors